Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Unspoken dialect: getting to the point

Unspoken dialect: getting to the point: "It's been some time since i wrote my last blog. I would have been quicker save for some technical snags and my affinity for weddings ( that ..."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Unspoken dialect: getting to the point

Unspoken dialect: getting to the point: "It's been some time since i wrote my last blog. I would have been quicker save for some technical snags and my affinity for weddings ( that ..."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Unspoken dialect: getting to the point

Unspoken dialect: getting to the point: "It's been some time since i wrote my last blog. I would have been quicker save for some technical snags and my affinity for weddings ( that ..."

getting to the point

It's been some time since i wrote my last blog. I would have been quicker save for some technical snags and my affinity for weddings ( that reminds me i should probably run a complete separate blog abt great indian weddings).

Anyways getting to the point that is supposed to be feelings. To be honest when i started writing the blog i was pretty confident i had lots to write but once i have got onto this i feel much less sure, hopefully it would make some sense.

I have always been intrigued by how you seem to like some people for no special reason. It is one of my cousin's birthday today and i have no hesitation in declaring that she is the most adorable person i know. When i think of it ,seems a bit strange. She is neither the smartest nor the prettiest. She has been good to me through childhood but so have been others. But somehow she has always been very special.

Being the reasonable man i am, i tried to figure it out and probably came up with reasons which seemed to justify my feelings towards her but as i can now see, they need not be rational at all. That i think is the most interesting part about feelings. Language, actions and emotions need to have some reason, a cause and effect or some kind of basic rules governing response. So when someone says 'thank you' , you respond with 'ur welcome'. When someone hits you, you hit them back ( or stick the other part of ur body out, Gandhian logic). When someone breaks your heart, you feel sorry and depressed.

I would also like to differentiate feelings from emotions, so that my further posts make some sense. While the modern language uses terms with frivolous ease. I being my pre-historic self will try and crystallize them for now. Emotion is a disturbance(with no negative connotations) in your mental space, it is differentiated from feelings on account of it's temporary nature. So u might love, hate or be angry at someone at some point of time in ur life but there is a certain way they make u feel, that feeling doesn't go away, if at all as you grow and understand urself, so do the feelings understand themselves, they become clearer and simpler.

So i have had this nice feeling about my sister(cousin, i like calling her sister) since childhood, and as i have grown i have realised that i can trust her with anything. Can always hope and rely on her understanding me and can express anything and everything, however stupid it maybe. I don't know what u exactly call this but that i guess is the beauty of 'feelings' they can only be told in bits and pieces. The whole thing though can just  be experienced, it can never ever be explained.

So well to sum it up the 2 things true abt feelings:

  1. They are irrational, and are not a response but a natural generation
  2. Feelings are indescribable, u can only express parts of them like a jigsaw puzzle
Hope to add through further posts....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unspoken dialect: My first Blog ever

Unspoken dialect: My first Blog ever: "Most of my adult life has been spent reading, what others had to say. On few occasions i have also found things worthy enough of being spoke..."

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unspoken dialect: My first Blog ever

Unspoken dialect: My first Blog ever: "Most of my adult life has been spent reading, what others had to say. On few occasions i have also found things worthy enough of being spoke..."

Friday, November 19, 2010

My first Blog ever

Most of my adult life has been spent reading, what others had to say. On few occasions i have also found things worthy enough of being spoken and written about. Some of them have also earned me some praise. Still i have shied away from blogging, somehow to me it seemed the last resort. Now as i write this blog, that feeling is filling me. It almost seems like writing a personal diary, one which i can share with the world before i die and also get some feedback.

Themes for all my posts would be feelings, emotions and their expression, hence the title.

While it's so easily assumed that Humans have been gifted with language and it only comes so naturally, the truth is that language is the most complex of human functions. One which took the longest to evolve ( if u believe Darwin) or is the most special of our gifts ( believe God put us here). Atleast this what Scientists do believe. Whenever the brain is challenged or its resources become meager, one of the first functions it quits is language. People argue that it is for lack of utility, nothing can be far from truth. A life without communication is no better than death. Creation of language involves conceptualisation, fitting into a grammatical and phonetical sense and figuring out what muscles to exactly move to get this all out. This feat is achieved almost without delay (  in case of some women). Ever wondered why robots still cannot get over their robotic tone, well the whole process is just too complex.

I, on the other hand believe humans carry a far greater power, the power of feelings. The power to exactly know you like someone when you look at her, the power to connect, to bond , to hate etc. , all without reason.

More on feelings in furhter blogs